The heart heaves; crippling and anxious
Threatening distortion of rhythm and measure
When fright knows no bounds, and panic no limit
Pulsating in stillness while fear wages war
Counting and recounting memories
Constriction and conflict
Where despair stands, casting shadows on reason
A future vague, lost in worry, imagined strife
Craving misplaced sanity
When inquiry happens upon a conscience
Reflection births remarkable reasoning
A mirror holds space for embattling query
While cycles of reaffirmations take flight
Renewed cadence
Internal syncopation
A shift
A surge
The fog lifts like morning dew.
No blurred lines.
Doubt fades for a path clear as daylight.
And a soul gyrates to the rhythm of its beat
Space emerges no longer bound by fear
Uncertainty, a distant memory
With glimmers of hope and precision in thought
Recommit to purpose with distinction.
Then clarity glistens through an aperture
And it is reborn.
Melodies lining streams of consciousness
It twinkles and dances to its own sweet song
The soul is reborn
It is at peace