Stand in the shadows only for a moment. Find respite under sprawling trees, prune your feathers, and rest your wings. Mend your garments if they are worn. Replenish your soil if it is weary. Let neither your spirit wane nor your heart surrender.
Instead, live. Look for tiny sparks that will ignite a passion. Habits once good are now abandoned and may need a little dusting off. Books that lay dormant and untapped for a while long for silky fingers against their smooth, well-crafted pages. The music won’t listen to itself, now would it? The feet won’t dance if you don’t let them. The heart won’t leap if drowned in sorrow, fear, or anxiety…it only falls sick. The heart leaps for light and joy.
So find light and find joy. When you do, make haste toward the sun. Let your garments flow. Drag your glorious trail through open velds under blue skies where shadows reign no more.