Bitter caplets of strain make way to my bosom
Trails of rancid betrayal line my tongue
My nostrils burn from the smoke of wickedness
My eyes anchor tears, my heart labors
Emotions wilting, waning, lost.
Where once a frame gave me hope
Now my body lies beaten and torn
A withered carcass on hardened mud
Barren and weary, a once vibrant being
Emotions wilting, waning, lost.
The poison moves swiftly to devour
The venom like a wildfire, unrelenting
Ravaged and tattered and broken and frail
My eyes veiled in tears, my heart shattered
Emotions wilting, waning, lost.
But like a distant trumpet, faint and from afar
A glimmer of light makes way through a crack
That cold smell of treachery dissipates
Tepid blood fills my veins, warmth meanders
Emotions awaken; I am alive; I am not lost.
I have found me.